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Sedikit bocoran, selain senang dunia IT saya juga termasuk fans fanatik Horikita Maki. Jadi buat sahabat yang jatuh hati dan ingin tau lebih banyak ttg maki atau mungkin punya info terupdate, sahabat bisa share info tersebut disini.

New Format for Ms. Word

Since a year ago has emerged a discourse about the new file format as a supporter or adds ins for Microsoft products that Ms. Word. As the most popular applications that are commonly used by almost all computer users to create reports such as word processing, typing school work, typing letters and so forth. it is obvious this application is required a lot of people, but not just for people who have disability such as blindness. Starting from this, the idea appears to Ms. Word can be enjoyed also by people who have disability to guarantee ease of use.

Daisy as a solution as a new Microsoft Word format that Unmute

News about the new format of Microsoft Word this time really shows concern Microsoft in people with disabilities. Daisy, so the format is the latest from Microsoft. Daisy is stand for “Digital Accesible Information System” is a format that allows persons with physical and mental limitations to be able to listen to the contents of a file through the narrator's voice. Thus, those who have these limitations can be 'read' the contents of a text file through the hearing of their ears.

Of course this is very encouraging news for people with disabilities, as expected with the Daisy will expand their opportunities to learn and follow the development of extensive information.
Microsoft along with the web site SourceForge open source plans to launch a free plug-in is at the beginning of next year. Plug-in that can convert Office 2007 files into the Daisy format, will translate text into voice form. The application is a free plug this will automatically add the option "Save as Daisy" in Microsoft Word 2007, 2003 and XP.
Daisy's own supporters consortium consists of 70 non-profit company that since 1996, seeks to publish and provide extensive information for persons with disabilities. Daisy was actually an acronym of "Digital Accessible Information System ', which refers to the provision pemaknaannya access to digital information systems extensively for anyone, including people with disabilities. Computer services digital narrative is used for persons with limitations such as dyslexia, Parkinson's, and various kinds of illness or other physical limitations. (Dna)

Internet applications for the Blind

(Honestly, I already know this discourse about 1 year ago but only now I am trying to post to remind again about the news at once to check on progress during the past year.)

People who suffered blindness in his eyes, when he will be using computers in general is assisted by a screen-reader software. But to buy a screen-reader software cost is quite expensive, about more than USD 1000, so sometimes they can not sit like a normal person in a library or Internet cafe (cafe). Now, a program with the latest web base will help the blind people to change the situation.

Programs on the web is called WebAnywhere. WebAnywhere was developed by computer science graduate student from the University of Washington, Jeffrey Bigham. Unlike other software to be installed on PCs, WebAnywhere is an Internet application that can make the Web accessible to people who are blind.  

Bigham hopes that the people who are blind will be able to check flight departure time on the computer Airport, planned to take a bus to a desired route through the computer in the library, or typing a quick email over the Internet. To get WebAnywhere, people who are blind should be set to online, which will collide with mugkin computer is not ready to give verbal feedback again. However, Bigham found in his research, that WebAnywhere, specifically used by blind people, would know the keyboard tricks and when to ask for help.

Once WebAnywhere online via the Internet, people who are blind can surf using WebAnywhere browser, which can be connected to the web page and then voiced content of the article in these pages with hard, as long as computer has speakers or headphones. WebAnywhere program can also jump section titles, tab, charts or read the page from top to bottom.

Lindsay Yazzolino, coed 19-year-old blind man from Brown University, who worked part time at the University of Washington, revealed that a large improvised WebAnywhere is the total lack of public access for this. Yazzolino, very pleased with the features and some WebAnywhere owned keystroke navigation pages in it, mainly because the program is free WebAnywhere used.

Bigham expect others to make improvised WebAnywhere program, by making it as open source that will invite people who like to play with the code and open to programmers from anywhere. Richard Ladner, a professor of computer science faculty of the University of Washington, want a commercial search engine will adopt WebAnywhere module, and one day hopes Ladner, also blind people can design their own web pages. (h_n).

Live CD Windows 7

Live CD adalah sebuah CD yang bisa dijalankan dari drive CD-ROM tanpa perlu menginstalnya ke hard disk terlebih dahulu. Awalnya Live CD digunakan oleh system operasi open source untuk memberi pilihan kepada pengguna. ( kalo orang dagang bilangnya ”silahkan dicoba dulu, kalo cocok boleh dipake” ).

Selain sistem open source, Windows juga ternyata bisa digunakan sebagai LiveCD. Microsoft sebagai pembuat Windows telah membuat Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE), sebuah lingkungan minimal sistem operasi Windows (lingkungan grafis Windows tanpa shell Explorer). Selain Windows PE, ada juga implementasi lainnya yang dikenal dengan BartPE, dengan program pembuatnya yang disebut dengan PE Builder. (wikipedia*)

Cara untuk membuat live cd windows 7 tidak begitu sulit, Berikut langkah langkahnya:
  • Sedot dan install The Windows® Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for Windows® 7 Disini
  • Masukkan CD/DVD windows 7 kita ke CD-ROM/DVD-ROM.
  • COPAS script di bawah memakai notepad atau notepad++
  • Simpan dengan nama file win7live.bat
  • Sesudah menyalin dan menyimpan file win7live.bat, jalankan dalam modus “Administrator”. tunggu lah sampai prosesnya selesai.
  • Setelah itu file winpe_x86.iso yang dihasilkan dapatlah kita bakar (burn) ke DVD/CD.
Berikut script nya :

@Echo off
Set PEWAIK=%ProgramFiles%\WAIK
Set PETools=%PEWaik%\Tools\PETools
Set Architecture=x86
Set PEDest=%SystemDrive%\winpe_x86
Set ISOName=winpe_x86.iso
CD %PETools%
pushd %PETools%
call copype.cmd %Architecture% %PEDest%
Set PEMount=%PEDest%\mount
Set PEIBoot=%PEISO%\boot
Set PEISrc=%PEISO%\sources
Set PEFps=%PETools%\%Architecture%\WinPe_FPs
Set PEImageX=%PEWAIK%\Tools\%Architecture%
Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:%PEDest%\winpe.wim /index:1 /MountDir:%PEDest%\mount
Dism /image:%PEDest%\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%PEFps%\"
Dism /image:%PEDest%\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%PEFps%\"
Dism /image:%PEDest%\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%PEFps%\"
Dism /image:%PEDest%\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%PEFps%\"
Dism /image:%PEDest%\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%PEFps%\"
REM Dism /image:%PEDest%\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%PEFps%\"
REM Dism /image:%PEDest%\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%PEFps%\"
REM Dism /image:%PEDest%\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%PEFps%\"
Dism /image:%PEDest%\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%PEFps%\"
Dism /image:%PEDest%\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%PEFps%\cs-cz\"
Dism /image:%PEDest%\mount /Set-AllIntl:cs-cz
copy "%PEImageX%\imagex.exe" "%PEMount%\Windows\System32\"
Dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:%PEDest%\mount /Commit
copy %PEDest%\winpe.wim %PEDest%\ISO\sources\boot.wim
del /q %PEDest%\ISO\boot\bootfix.bin
oscdimg -n -b%PEDest%\ %PEDest%\ISO %PEDest%\%ISOName%

T-ara... Live CD siap digunakan...

###. . . SLamat Mencoba. . .###

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